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Course Content:

  1. Get Started
    1. What is Bootstrap?
    2. Bootstrap History
    3. Why Use Bootstrap?
    4. What Does Bootstrap Include?
    5. HTML File
    6. Adding Bootstrap to Your Web Pages
    7. Downloading Bootstrap
    8. Bootstrap CDN
    9. Put Your HTML Elements Inside Containers
    10. Bootstrap Browser/Device Support
  2. Typography
    1. Bootstrap's Default Settings
    2. Bootstrap vs. Browser Defaults
    3. Typography Classes
  3. Grid System
    1. What is a Grid?
    2. Bootstrap Grid System
    3. Mobile-First Strategy
    4. Grid System Rules
    5. Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid
    6. Grid Options
  4. Stacked-to-horizontal
  5. Small Devices
  6. Medium Devices
  7. Large Devices
  8. Forms
    1. Form Layouts
    2. Vertical Form (default)
    3. Inline Form
    4. Horizontal Form
  9. Inputs
    1. Supported Form Controls Bootstrap supports the following form controls:
      1. input
      2. textarea
      3. checkbox
      4. radio
      5. select
  10. Inputs 2
    1. Static Control
    2. Form Control States
  11. Input Sizing
    1. Input Sizing in Forms
    2. Height Sizing
    3. Column Sizing
    4. Help Text
  12. Case
  13. Container
    1. Build a Bootstrap Web Page From Scratch
    2. Add Bootstrap CDN and Put Elements in Containers
  14. Jumbotron
  15. Button/Icon
    1. Adding a Button
    2. Adding an Icon
  16. Multicolumn
    1. Multicolumn Layout
    2. Columns With Different Widths
  17. Menu
    1. Menus
    2. Tabs
    3. Tabs With Dropdown Menu
    4. Pills
    5. Vertical Pills
    6. Pills With Dropdown Menu
  18. Navigation Bar
    1. Navigation Bars
    2. Inverted Navigation Bar
    3. Fixed Navigation Bar
    4. Navigation Bar With Dropdown
    5. Right-Aligned Navigation Bar
    6. Collapsing The Navigation Bar
  19. Bootstrap Navbar
    1. Default navbar
    2. Responsive navbar
    3. Forms in navbar
    4. Buttons in navbar
    5. Text in navbar
    6. Non-nav links
    7. Component alignment
    8. Fixed to top
    9. Fixed to bottom
    10. Static top
    11. Inverted navbar
    12. Bootstrap Breadcrumb
  20. Bootstrap Pagination
    1. Pagination
    3. STATES
    4. SIZING
    5. Pager
    7. STATES
    8. Bootstrap Labels
  21. Bootstrap Jumbotron
    1. Bootstrap Page Header
    2. Bootstrap Thumbnails
  22. Bootstrap Alerts
    1. Dismissal Alerts
    2. Links in Alerts
  23. Bootstrap Progress Bars
    1. Default Progress Bar
    2. Alternate Progress Bar
    3. Striped Progress Bar
    4. Animated Progress Bar
    5. Stacked Progress Bar
  24. Bootstrap Media Object
    1. .media
    2. .media-list
  25. Bootstrap List Group
    1. Adding Badges to List Group
    2. Linking List Group Items
    3. Add Custom Content to List Group
  26. Bootstrap Panels
    1. Panel with heading
    2. Panel with footer
    3. Panel Contextual alternatives
    4. Panel with tables
    5. Panel with Listgroups
  27. Bootstrap Wells
    1. well
    2. Sizing
  28. Bootstrap Plugins Overview
    1. Data Attributes
    2. Events
    3. Bootstrap Transition Plugin
    4. Bootstrap Modal Plugin
    5. Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin
    6. Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin
    7. Bootstrap Tab Plugin
    8. Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin
    9. Bootstrap Popover Plugin
    10. Bootstrap Alert Plugin
    11. Bootstrap Button Plugin
    12. Bootstrap Collapse Plugin
    13. Bootstrap Carousel Plugin
    14. Bootstrap Affix Plugin